Our Goals:
- Use a newer verions of PHP than we have available to us
- Install a new Laravel 5.3 app and start hacking on it
First Try:
We first started trying out installing Laravel on a machine with PHP 5.5 (Laravel 5.3 requires PHP 5.6+).
cd ~/Sites/docker
composer create project laravel/laravel my-app dev-develop
This gave us an error, as we'd expect. Rather than spin up a whole VM, I chose to try using Docker.
With Docker
# This doesn't work, composer is not in the container!
docker run --rm -it php:7.0-cli composer --version
# This does work, we use my local machine's composer
# and make it available to the container
docker run --rm -it \
-v $(which composer):/usr/bin/composer \
php:7.0-cli \
composer --version
If we go straight from there, however, we'll still get errors, as composer requires git
and/or zip
to be available to get dependencies from GitHub.
So, we create a new Dockerfile
, which will help us add the tools we need to a base PHP image that already had PHP 7 in it.
FROM php:7.0-cli
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y zip unzip curl git
RUN php -r "copy('https://getcomposer.org/installer', 'composer-setup.php');"
RUN php composer-setup.php --install-dir=/usr/bin --filename=composer
RUN php -r "unlink('composer-setup.php');"
And then we can get Laravel!:
# This doesn't work, composer is not in the container!
docker run --rm -it php:7.0-cli composer --version
# From dir ~/Sites/docker
docker run --rm -it \
-v $(pwd):/opt
composer:latest \
composer create-project laravel/laravel /opt/my-app dev-develop
This installs a new Laravel application into the ~/Sites/docker/my-app
Run It!
The last step is to keep using PHP 7 to run Laravel, so we can start hacking on this new project.
We can re-use our composer
container, or use the php:7.0-cli
container - they both have PHP 7 on it.
# From dir ~/Sites/docker/my-app
# Note that we're inside of the "my-app" directory!
docker run --rm -it \
-p 80:8888
-v $(pwd):/opt
composer:latest \
php -S -t /opt/public
If we head to our browser and go to localhost
, we'll see the Laravel 5.3 splash screen - success!