What is this?
Shipping Docker is a video series about Docker.
Is the course complete?
Shipping Docker is now officially released, although that doesn't mean I'm done adding new videos to it!
Is future content free?
Yes! Future added videos are free for those who have purchased Shipping Docker.
However, for any really huge topics (like if I added a start-to-finish Kubernetes course), I may decide to make that an "upgrade", at extra cost.
Is Shipping Docker free?
No, Shipping Docker is not free. However, I do have a ton of free Docker videos! You can find some premium ones by signing up above and by visiting the Container section of the site.
I signed up and got some free courses - Are these a large portion of the actual course?
Only the Dockerizing Your Application course is an actual module with Shipping Docker. All other courses and videos are free, extra lessons that expand on some specific aspects of Docker.
The full Shipping Docker course goes into more detail, including covering many "gotchas" / trouble areas that you are likely to hit.
What shell theme am I using in the videos?
I'm using the zsh shell, via oh-my-zsh. The theme is "agnoster". You'll need the Powerline font - details here.