Review Time!

We review what we did to setup our application for development and continuous integration with Docker.

We review everything we just covered in the portion of the Shipping Docker course.

  • Starting with an existing application
  • Building a set of Docker images
  • Creating a docker-compose.yml file which builds our images
  • Expanded on docker-compose with environment variables so our developers can decide what ports to bind to their work stations
  • Creating a helper script to help reduce all the boilerplate we had to type for basic commands
  • Expanded on the helper script to encompass our most commom commands
  • Extended a base docker-compose file so we could have different settings for development vs CI
  • Finished our helper script by ensuring we wouldn't run into errors in CI builds and made testing faster

In the Shipping Docker course, when officially released, the next section will start to get us to continuous integration, including:

  • Installing Docker on remote machines (docker-machine and manually)
  • Setting up Jenkins
  • Automating tests based on github pushes
  • Saving built Docker images to a private Docker repository
  • Building images with our code inside of it to run in production
  • Much more!